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profane [prəu'fein]



    adj. ���µģ����׵ģ���̵�
    vt. ���£�����




    1. Their behaviours profaned the holy place.
    2. Many extremist consider the clergy as elm gantry, who profane the name of god.
    3. Many extremists consider the clergy as Elmer Gantry, who profane the name of God.


      1. corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
      2. violate the sacred character of a place or language
      1. characterized by profanity or cursing
      2. not sacred or concerned with religion
      3. not holy because unconsecrated or impure or defiled
      4. grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred


    ���׵�; ���µ�; ����; ����;
    Benny Profane
    the profane
    profane chants
    profane language
    ���𾴵�����; �����Ļ�;


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