1. A miserly father makes a prodigal son. �����ĵĸ��ױ��лӻ��Ķ��ӡ�
2. Maupassant itself is a prodigal son, he in reality has a very rich and legendary love experience. Ī��ɣ��������һ�����ӣ�������ʵ�����ŷdz��ḻ�ʹ����Եİ��龭����
3. It was no coincidence, then, that because of Ardan, Leonus would grow into the prodigal Paladin of Light, and eventually, a Lord Protector of Stormwind. ��������Ը��������˹��Ӧ�ɳ�Ϊһ�����ƺ�ʩ�Ĺ���ʥ��ʿ��Ȼ����������ȴ��Ϊ�˱���ǵĻ�������
1. a recklessly extravagant consumer
2. very generous
3. recklessly wasteful
4. marked by rash extravagance