1. Instructor Roberto Gasbarri (L) with Eva, a Labrador rescue dog, as she jumps into the sea to "save" instructor Maria-Rosaria Cirillo, Civitavecchia Sea, Italy on Aug. 16, 2007. ȥ�����ʮ���գ�ѵ��ʦ���У���˹����L������ѵ�������������ԮȮ���������������ά��ά���Ǻ��ߣ��������뺣�С�Ԯ�ȡ���һ��ѵ��ʦ�����ǣ���ɯ��ϲ���ܡ�
2. Instructor armour says this is a dendrolite, instructor second holds to is a dinosaurian shank, bilateral argument unceasingly. ��ʦ��˵����һ����ľ��ʯ����ʦ�Ҽ����һ�������ȹǣ�˫�����۲��ѡ�
3. At last it analyzes the problem facing private finance at present from the coexistent relationship between private economy and private finance. ������Ӫ��ҵ���������ศ��ɡ���Ϊ����Ĺ�ϵ��������ǰ�����������ٵ����⡣
4. Private[Hidden] - Only Private Users may see the forum. Private Users can read, post, reply, edit their posts, and create and vote in polls. �ǹ���[����]-ֻ��˽�˻�Ա���Կ������棬˽���û����Է�����������¡��༭���¡��������Ͳ���ͶƱ��
5. Jack Albin is the chief investment officer at Chicago based checks private Chicago-based Harris Private Bank. " Clearly Really, this month's report is a setback." λ��֥�Ӹ�Ĺ���˹˽�����е���ϯͶ�ʹ���-�ܿˡ�������˵����ȷʵ������µı����ʾ�������衱��