1. A primate of the family Hominidae, of which Homo sapiens is the only extant species. �˿Ƶģ�������˿��е��鳤�࣬����������Ψһ�ִ�����ࡣ
2. We also compared it with primate dental fossils from the site of Lufeng, in neighbouring Yunnan province. ���ǻ���������������ʡ������»����鳤�����ݻ�ʯ���ԱȽϡ�
3. He listed many characters where "Man, in his bodily development, is a primate foetus that has become sexually mature". ���о����������ԣ�˵��������������ķ����У������Ѿ���Ϊ�Գ�����鳤��̥������
1. a senior clergyman and dignitary
2. any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet