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�ʵ� | ���� | ���ʱ� | ������ | �ɿ���ҳ

primary ['praiməri]



    adj. ��Ҫ�ģ������ģ�������
    n. ԭɫ������Ҫ��




chief   ק��ʱ����ͬ����ְλ��ߣ�Ȩ�����ָ��ʱ����ͬ��������Ҫ����ֵ��ߡ�
principal   ������ʱ��ָ��λ���������ˣ�������ʱ��ָ�����ڴ�С����Ҫ�Եȷ����������
main   ͨ��ֻ�����ָ��һ����Χ�ڣ�ij�����Ҫ�ԡ�����������ȳ��������
major   ָͬ�����˻�������������Ƚϣ��Եø�����Ҫ��ͻ����
leading   ����ָ����Ӱ���������������Ӷ������������������á�
capital   ����ָ����Ҫ�ԡ����塢��Խ���ش������ͬ��֮�ס�
foremost   ����ָ���н���չ�����о���λ��
primary   ͨ���������ˡ�������ʱ��ָ����Ҫ�Է���ռ��һλ��


    1. Restoring control to primary controller.
    2. Received command to return control to primary controller.
    3. Low birth weight infant is a primary commonality health problem in the world.


      1. a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen
      2. one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing
      3. coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in
      1. of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondhand
      2. not derived from or reducible to something else; basic
      3. most important element
      4. of or being the essential or basic part
      5. of primary importance


    ��Ҫ��; ������; �����ģ������; ��ѡ;
    primary cell
    ԭ�����; ԭ���; ����ϸ��; һ�ε��;
    primary education
    ���Ƚ���; Сѧ����; ��������; Сѧ (����);
    primary demand
    ��������; ������Ҫ; ��Ҫ����;
    primary sector
    �����ɷ�; ��һ��ҵ; ��һ����ҵ; һ����ҵ;


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