1. Yellow was the preponderant color in the room. ��ɫ������������ɫ��
2. As being a province with relatively affluent natural mineral resource, Qinghai should take the exploitation on preponderant resource for mainline in industrial policy option. ��Ϊ��Ȼ�����Դ��Ը����ʡ�ݣ��ຣ��ҵ���ߵ�ѡ��Ӧ��������Դ����Ϊ���ߡ�
3. Logic and objectivity are common as the main representation of male's exterior attitude, or consider as a ideal at least, oppositely, emotion is the preponderant as in female. ���Ϳ����ձ�������Ե�����̬����ռ�����ƣ������ٱ�����һ�����룬�෴�أ���Ů�Ե�����������ռ�����ơ�