1. I pregnant 9 monthses just start music prenatal influence, can? �һ���9���²ſ�ʼ����̥�̣�������
2. Your doctor will also likely prescribe prenatal vitamins for you, which contain some extra calcium. ҽ����ʱҲ�ῪһЩ�����˶����Ԫ�صIJ�ǰά���ظ��㡣
3. Both the prenatal period and adolescence are critical times in brain development and smoking has been linked to memory and attention problems in teens. �����ں��ഺ�ڶ��ڴ��Եķ����ǹؼ�ʱ�ڣ�������ʮ������������ڼ�������ע�����ϳ��ֵ������йء�