1. However, the precedent would be binding on the district courts within the Fifth Circuit. Ȼ������һ������Ե���Ѳ�ط�Ժ����ĵ�����Ժ����Լ������
2. It teaches the importance of precedent but cautions that it will not always suffice for a new era. ������������ѭ��������Ҫ�ԣ�ͬʱ�����������������Զ�����µ�ʱ����
3. But there is no precedent to use ABNET in practical engineerings because the present researches about it are still focusing on principle and experiments. ���Կ���������о�Ŀǰ��������ԭ�����ܺ�ʵ����֤�ϣ�û�н���Ӧ����ʵ�ʹ��������е�������
1. an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
2. (civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisions
3. a system of jurisprudence based on judicial precedents rather than statutory laws
4. a subject mentioned earlier (preceding in time) adj.
1. preceding in time, order, or significance