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postulate ['pɔstjuleit, -tʃə-]



    vt. �ٶ���Ҫ���ӡ�Ϊ������Ȼ
    n. �����������ٶ�




assume   ָ�к��ٻ���ȫ�޸��ݵ�����Ʋ�򲻺��߼���������
presume   �����Թ�ȥ����������ʵ��ijЩ�о���ij���϶�Ϊ����ʵ��
suppose   ���ôʣ�����Ϲ㷺��ָȱ��ȷ����ʵ������һЩ������е��Ʋ⣬Ҳ��ָΪ��֤������Ϻ��߼�������ij�ּٶ�����ʱ����ʾ�Լ��������
guess   ���ôʣ�ָ���޸��ݽ�ƾ���������ܶϻ��������IJ²⡣
postulate   ָΪ֤ʵһ�����۵���ȷ�Զ����еļ��衣


    1. Even if we postulate that she had a motive for the murder, that still doesn't mean she did it.
    2. If so we shall have a wave function that satisfies our new postulate .
    3. You might be wondering about the absence from our list of the Born postulate.


      1. (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning
      2. maintain or assert
      3. take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom
      4. require as useful, just, or proper


    ����; �ٶ�; Ҫ��; �ٶ�����;
    Drucker postulate
    additive postulate
    ���� ����; ���Ӽ���;
    continuing postulate
    homogeneity postulate


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