1. Firstly, the liberal arts examinations in the Qing test feudal political theory, and test standardization led to education in knowledge of political theory. ������ʾ��������һ�ǿƾ��Ŀ���һ�ַ⽨���������ۿ��ԣ�������Ա��������������۽���֪ʶ����
2. The disharmony of political ideology and public political psychology is a prominent manifesto of present political culture. ������ʶ��̬��������������IJ���г�ǵ�ǰ�����Ļ�����ì�ܵı��֡�
3. As a non-stale pattern of democracy, political democracy, political participation and political order are the inner value pursuit of the villager autonomy. �������������β��롢�����������Ϊũ�����η�չ�����ݣ��Ǵ������ε����ڼ�ֵ��
4. Grasp the basic theory of organic chemistry, such as structural theory, chemical bonds, resonance theory, atomic and molecular orbital theory, and valence bond theory; �����л���ѧ�ṹ���ۡ���ѧ�����ۡ��������ۡ�ԭ�Ӻͷ��ӹ�����ۺ��ӻ�������ۣ�
5. There are five theories about job satisfaction. They are Need Hierarchy Theory, Motivator-Hygiene Theory, Equity Theory, Expectancy Theory, and Job Characteristic Theory. ���ڹ�������ȵ����ۣ���Ҫ����Ҫ������ۡ�˫�������ۡ���ƽ���ۡ��������ۡ������������ۡ�
Constitutions and Political Theory �ܷ�����������;
A Political-Economy Theory of Trade Agreements ó��Э�������ξ���ѧ����;
MA in Political Theory ����ѧ;
Ideological and Political Theory Course and Students' Psychological Health Education in Institutions of Higher Learning ��У˼���������ۿ����ѧ��������������;