1. The disharmony of political ideology and public political psychology is a prominent manifesto of present political culture. ������ʶ��̬��������������IJ���г�ǵ�ǰ�����Ļ�����ì�ܵı��֡�
2. As a non-stale pattern of democracy, political democracy, political participation and political order are the inner value pursuit of the villager autonomy. �������������β��롢�����������Ϊũ�����η�չ�����ݣ��Ǵ������ε����ڼ�ֵ��
3. This requires SMO to take on alternatively the role of discussion leader, project leader, rapporteur, or publisher. ���Ҫ�����������۴�ͷ�ˡ���Ŀ�쵼�ߡ������˺ͳ����ߵȲ�ͬ��ɫ��
4. Following the leader is termed cleaning since it's the follower's job to remove the protection (placed there by the leader ) as he ascends, being belayed from above. ����Ҳ����Ϊ�������Ϊ����������ʱ������ȥ���еı���������ǰ�������߷��ã����������Ϸ�Ϊ��������������
5. Moreover, it is proved that BCH bound is a leader of cyclotomic cosets, and it is guessed that the minimum distance of BCH codes is also a leader of cvclotomic cosets. ���⣬���Ļ�ָ����BCH�����С�����BCH���Ƿ�Բ�㼯�ף����Dz²�BCH�����С����Ҳ�Ƿ�Բ�㼯�ס�