1. A "war/campaign/expedition veteran" is a veteran who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized. ��ս����ս�ۡ�Զ���ϱ�����ָ������ս����ս�ۻ���Զ���з������۶���䷢�����ϱ����µ���ʿ��
2. The disharmony of political ideology and public political psychology is a prominent manifesto of present political culture. ������ʶ��̬��������������IJ���г�ǵ�ǰ�����Ļ�����ì�ܵı��֡�
3. As a non-stale pattern of democracy, political democracy, political participation and political order are the inner value pursuit of the villager autonomy. �������������β��롢�����������Ϊũ�����η�չ�����ݣ��Ǵ������ε����ڼ�ֵ��
4. Campaign spokesman said Mr Bush was an "arch mangler" of the English language and Campaign officials listed a selection of his reported sayings. ���˶���������˵��ʲ��Ӣ���ͷ��ɱ�֣�������������һЩ�����ԡ�
5. Since then, the campaign has raised more than twenty million dollars. The National Basketball Association, the United Methodist Church and other groups have joined the campaign. �Դ���ʱ��ʼ�������Ѿ��O�˳�����ǧ����Ԫ����������Э�����Ͻ��ú���������֯��������������
as the campaign accelerates into the fall ���Ž����^��ѡ����ļӿ죺;
campaign advisors ��ѡ����;
campaign donations ��ѡ���;
as the campaign accelerates into the fall ���Ž����^��ѡ����ļӿ죺;