1. Wilkie Collins as the father of British detective stories, he also is one of the world history of a detective story writer indispensable. ������������˹����ΪӢ����̽С˵֮����������������̽С˵ʷ��һλ����ȱ�ٵ����ҡ�
2. Doyle created the most famous detective in the world, Sherlock Holmes, who has set the template for the detective story for over a century. ��������������������������̽����л���?����Ħ˹����Ϊ��̽С˵������ģʽ����������һ�����͡�
3. Durbin described by Edgar Allan Poe is an amateur detective, and quebracho Collins described by a professional inspector is a detective; ���ס��±��µĶű���һ��ҵ����̽��������˹���µĿ˷�̽������һ��ְҵ��̽��
4. Described a group of specially trained detectives in the school "detective Mission School" study, juvenile detective story. ������һȺ��ר����ѵ��̽��ѧУ������̽ѧ��ѧϰ����̽����Ĺ��¡�
5. Very interesting detective story, see the ability that you have to be detective. �dz���Ȥ����̽���£���������û������̽������Ŷ��