1. This was what a king's palace, a Louvre, a Hotel de Saint-Pol was then. ����ǵ�ʱһ�����һ��¬������һ��ʥ�����й��������
2. The shifting winds of popular opinion determine the direction taken by the ver-campaigning pol . ���ϱ仯�Ĵ������۵ķ����������λ������ѡ�����͵��ж�����
3. It is five leagues from here to Hesdin, six from Hesdin to Saint-Pol, eight and a half from Saint-Pol to Arras. �Ӵ˵ص���˾���巨��Ӱ�˾����ʥ�����������ʥ����������˹�˷���롣