1. Open the safety sealed bottle plug and replace it with the plastic plug, set it upside down and squeeze the plastic plug to let the liquid to outflow. ��ƿ������ ���ܷⰲȫƿ������ƿ�����Ͻ�ͷ�����ü�ѹ��ͷԭҺ����������
2. We've seen already that information about a plug-in can be obtained from the plug-in's manifest file without ever running any of the plug-in's code. ���ǿ��Կ��������ڲ����manifest�ļ��еIJ����Ϣ��������Ҫ���в�����κδ��롣
3. Unless specified in the plug-in guide, the plug-in authors should not write plug-ins which in some way depend on the invocation order. �����ڲ�����о���ָ�������������Ӧ���������ij�ַ�ʽ�����ڵ�������IJ����
4. Base on the dense phase pneumatic conveying experiment of cement, the relations among plug pressure, plug velocity and plug length were investigated. ���ڶ�ˮ������������������飬�о���˨ѹ��˨�١�˨��֮��Ĺ�ϵ��
5. Open the safety sealed bottle plug and replace it with the plastic plug, set it upside down and squeeze the plastic plug to let the liquid to outflow. ��ƿ������ ���ܷⰲȫƿ������ƿ�����Ͻ�ͷ�����ü�ѹ��ͷԭҺ����������
wear down fritter away idle away while away ��ĥ;
wear down fritter away idle away while away ��ĥ;
disappear vanish dissolve die away fade away clear away ��ʧ;
begone clear off evacuation go away bug off step along trot away turn away �߿�;
begone clear off evacuation go away bug off step along trot away turn away �߿�;