1. Ability to push buttons: His big mouth is in part a marketing ploy and is one reason he's compelling. �շ���������������������Ŵ������г��ƹ��������Ҳ��������עĿ������֮һ��
2. Some hog producers were furious at the trade bans, saying they were simply a political ploy by countries to give their own farmers a leg up. һЩ��ŭ�����������ߵ�ó���������ֻ��һ��������ı�Ĺ��ҷ������Լ���ũ��һ�����ˡ�
3. I know this is part of the process and perhaps part of letting go of images of myself and what I think is true and an ego ploy to keep me in conflict. ��֪�����ǹ��̵�һ���ݣ�Ҳ�������ڷ����������������Ϊ��ʱ�ıؾ����̣�Ҳ���������С�ҹ����������������ļ�����
1. an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker
2. a maneuver in a game or conversation