1. Listen, O Lord, to my prayer, hear the voice of my pleading. ���������㸩���ҵ�����������ϸ���ҿ���İ��š�
2. Emergency workers are pleading with people in the line of the storm to pack up and head out of the area. ������������ԱҪ���ڸñ�����Ӱ�췶Χ�ڵ�������ʰ����Ȼ���뿪�õ�����
3. So now, our God, listen to the prayer and pleading of your servant and, for your own sake, let your face shine upon your desolate sanctuary. ���ԣ����ڣ����ǵ�������Ը�㸩�������˵������Ͱ���������Ϊ�����Լ���Ե�ʣ�������Ĵ��չ��������ѻ�����ʥ����
1. (law) a statement in legal and logical form stating something on behalf of a party to a legal procee
2. expressing earnest entreaty