1. But the Opening Ceremonies were about more than plaudits for architecture and organization. ���ǣ��Կ�Ļʽ�ĺȲ������Գ����˽�����������֯����ij��ޡ�
2. Zadie Smith won many plaudits for her debut novel White Teeth and now her third, On Beauty, has won the 2006 Orange Prize for women's fiction. ���ϡ�ʷ��˹����С˵��Ů���������������˲��ٺ����������ڣ����ĵ�����������������2006��Ӯ����ΪŮ��С˵����ġ����ӽ�����
3. Until this season, marred by the 'lie-gate' scandal and the uncompetitive MP4-24 McLaren, the Briton's career largely consisted of a series of plaudits and successes. ֱ�����������ܵ���'������'���ź;�������MP4-24�����֣��Ͷٵ�ְҵ���Ļ����ϰ�����һϵ�еĺȲʺͳɹ���