1. His strange behaviour perplexed her greatly. ������־�ֹʹ��ãȻ���⡣
2. Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. ������֪ʶ��Ԩ������Ҳ�ᱻ������������ס�������������ɪ���ԣ��������û���ش��ˡ�
3. The "non-market economy" standards perplex Chinese enterprises still because the reformation of socialist market economy in China is not finished yet. �����г����á�����Ȼ�������й���ҵ����Ϊ�й�����������г����øĸ���δ��ɡ�
1. be a mystery or bewildering to
2. make more complicated