1. The permutation is even if the number of in versions it contains is even. ���һ�������к��еķ���ĸ�����ż���������Ϊż���С�
2. The block cipher with a substitution permutation network is the best known and widely used block cipher system. ���������û�����ķ���������һ�ֹ㷺ʹ�õķ�������ϵͳ��
3. To present a new application of permutation entropy method for automatic brain consciousness task classification. �о������Ե��ź���������ص��˶���ʶ�����Զ��������
1. an event in which one thing is substituted for another
2. the act of changing the arrangement of a given number of elements
3. complete change in character or condition
4. act of changing the lineal order of objects in a group