1. A conservation is a statement of constancy in nature-in particular, constancy during change. �غ㶨��˵����Ȼ��IJ����ԣ��ر���˵���仯�ڼ�IJ����ԡ�
2. Spectral characteristics between intraspecies reflect the component constancy and habitat difference. ������Ʒ��Ĺ���������ӳ���ɷ��ȶ��ԺͲ��ز��졣
3. Then I guess you jet-sitting fancy free bustards need that kind of constancy splashy reassurance. �Ҳ�������Щֻ֪�����š�ʱ�֡���Ǯ�Ļ쵰����Ҫ���ֲ�����Ĵ��ɽ������С�
4. Dove - Loving constancy and peace. ��-�Լ������ƽ�İ���
5. The secret of success is constancy of purpose. �ɹ����ؾ���Ŀ��ļᶨ�ԡ�