1. You have access to the guard perception secrets. ��õ�������֪�ȵ�����ѡ���ˡ�
2. And perception to form is the way to convey the relationship. ����ʽ�ĸ�֪�������ֱ����ϵ�Ĵ��﷽ʽ��
3. One consideration is safety, or at least the perception of it. Ҫ���ǰ�ȫ���⣬�����ڸо�����˵�ǰ�ȫ�ġ�
1. the representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a concept
2. a way of conceiving something
3. the process of perceiving
4. knowledge gained by perceiving
5. becoming aware of something via the senses