1. The grid resource management includes resource publication, resource discovery, resource allocation, resource renewal and so on, resource description is the foundation for them. ��Դ�������ܰ�����Դ��������Դ���֡���Դ���䡢��Դ���µȣ���Դ���������������Դ�����Ļ�����
2. Under the circs of the definite social resource, the resource that the government engrosses is more and the other social main body uses the social resource less. �������Դһ��������£�����ռ�õ���ԴԽ������Ӧ���ܹ��������������ʹ�õ���Դ������Խ�١�
3. Digital network will cause great change in the aspect of infrastructure, so that we will be devoted to reorganizing our human resource, material resource and financial resource. �������罫�ڻ�����ʩ��������ܴ�ı仯��������ǽ��������������ǵ������������Ͳ�����Դ��
4. A resource that exists only once in the system is known as a single, otherwise it is multiple resource. In a transputer-based multiprocessor system, the individual CPU is a multiple resource. ϵͳ��ֻ��һ������Դ����������Դ�������������Դ����һ�����ڽ����Ķദ����ϵͳ�У�CPU��һ�ֶ�����Դ��
5. Water resource pricing model is to measure price of the water resource, which uses model to calculate the amount paid to the owner for right to use the water resource. ��Դˮ��ģ�;�������ˮ��Դ�۸��ģ�ͣ�����ͨ��ģ��������Ϊ���ˮ��Դʹ��Ȩ��֧����ˮ��Դ�����ߵĻ�������