1. Constantly strives to satisfy all guests that patronise the Outlet. Ŭ��ʹ���ǵĿ������⣬�������ܾ�����˲�����
2. The rise of religious intolerance is now a political danger from the Christian West to the Muslim East. Yet it is all too easy to patronise Pakistan. ����������������˹�������ij�ͻ����������˵�������Ѿ���Ϊ���ص�����Σ�������ڽ�֮��ĵж�ȴ����������Ա�ͻ�˹̹����Ͷ�뷴����ʥս��������
3. The sentiment behind the utterance is undoubtedly a sincere and genuine one, free of any deliberate intent to patronise, but it was patronising nonetheless. ���������۱���ĸ��������dzϿ�����ʵ�ģ�û���κ�����Ϊ��Խ�����⣬����ȷʵ��һ�ָ���һ�ȵ�̬�ȡ�
1. do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
2. assume sponsorship of
3. treat condescendingly
4. be a regular customer or client of