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patch [pætʃ]



    n. ���֣��ߵ㣻��Ƭ��С������
    vt. �޲������������
    vi. �򲹶�



mend   ͨ��ָ�ϼ򵥵��޸����̣�һ�㲻��Ҫר�ż��������⹤�ߡ�
repair   ����mend���ã���һ��ָ��Ҫ�ϸߵ�ְҵ���ܺ�ʹ�ýϸ��ӵĹ��߽���������
patch   ͨ��ָ�����Ʋ����޲��ƶ����ѷ��ĥ��ĵط���
fix   ���������������ָ���а�װ�̶����ʵ�������


    1. The collar on my coat has worn thin,so I must patch it.
    2. Cover one eye with this patch .
    3. What are the future plans for the game��is this the final patch?


      1. a small contrasting part of something
      2. a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation
      3. a piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole
      4. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition
      5. a short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program
      6. a connection intended to be used for a limited time
      7. sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment)
      8. a protective cloth covering for an injured eye
      9. a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body
      1. to join or unite the pieces of
      2. provide with a patch; also used metaphorically
      3. mend by putting a patch on
      4. repair by adding pieces


    �޲�; ��ʱ������ߣ������ӵ��²���; ��Ƭ; Ƕ��;
    Edit Patch
    ��Ƭ�޸���; �༭��Ƭ; (��Ƭ�޸���)�ṩ���ֹ����޸��������弶ѡ�������Ķ��㡢�ߡ���Ƭ��Ԫ�ء�; �༭С��;
    Patch Deform
    ��Ƭ���α༭��; ��Ƭ����; (��Ƭ���α༭��)����ʹ����Ƭ��������б��β�����; ������Ƭ����;
    Patch board
    ���߰�; ��ͷ��; ���߰�; ���߰塢ת�Ӱ�;
    Patch bay
    �����; ��ͷ��; ����̨; ���߼�;


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