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pasty ['peisti]



    adj. �԰׵ģ�����Ƶ�
    n. �ڱ�



    1. The pasty propellant is a new kind of chemical propellant derived from solid propellant.
    2. The ignition and combustion characteristics of pasty propellant are important parameters for the motor design.
    3. IT HAS been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered: stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer.


      1. small meat pie or turnover
      2. (usually used in the plural) one of a pair of adhesive patches worn to cover the nipples of exotic d
      1. resembling paste in color; pallid
      2. having the sticky properties of an adhesive


    ��״��; ����Ƶ�; ��״��; �ڱ�;
    Pasty Cline
    ��������; �������R;
    pasty concrete
    pasty iron
    pasty sludge


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