1. In tone range research we gained tone range upper limit, tone range lower limit and tone range span. �����о��еó���ϵ���������Ϳ���Լ�����������ڵ�ϵ��������ռ�ı�����
2. Tone-painting, a type of word-painting performance, explores further into Schubert's German art songs based on relationships of word and tone for tone-painting songs. ���������ֻ滭��һ�ֱ��֣�̽������������������ϵ��ڹ���沮�ص���������������Ҫ���ݡ�
3. Tone-painting, a type of word-painting performance, explores further into Schubert's German art songs based on relationships of word and tone for tone-painting songs. ���������ֻ滭��һ�ֱ��֣�̽������������������ϵ��ڹ���沮�ص���������������Ҫ���ݡ�
4. Chinese is a tone language, each word has its own given tone, and the tone plays an important role in differing and changing words' meanings. ������һ���������ԣ��ֵ�ÿ�����ڶ����ض�������������������������ı�������Ҫ���á�
5. The sweep was the moon penumbral zone can see the partial eclipse, the partial eclipse in the region-wide water from the area near, the greater the extent of the partial eclipse. �������Ӱɨ���ĵش������Կ�����ƫʳ����ƫʳ������ȫʳ��Խ����ƫʳ�ij̶Ⱦ�Խ��
boost up buildup gather head swell tone tone up ��ǿ;
tamber timbre tone color tone colour ��ɫ;
tamber timbre tone color tone colour ��ɫ;
tamber timbre tone color tone colour ��ɫ;
boost up buildup gather head swell tone tone up ��ǿ;