1. The first part is the machinery control part, introduced in this part the front wheel curve system's machine part building block, is each part's function. ��һ�����ǻ�е�ٿز��֣����ⲿ�ֽ�����ǰ��ת��ϵͳ�Ļ�е������ɲ�����Ȼ���Ǹ��������Ĺ��á�
2. This machine is made up of feeding part, discharging part, gyre part, transmission part, (decelerator, small transmission gear, generator, electrical control ) and so on. �����ɸ��ϲ������ϲ�����ת���������������ٻ���С�������֣��������أ�����Ҫ������ɡ�
3. This machine is made up of feeding part, discharging part, gyre part, transmission part, (decelerator, small transmission gear, generator, electrical control ) and so on. �����ɸ��ϲ������ϲ�����ת���������������ٻ���С�������֣��������أ�����Ҫ������ɡ�
4. The angular shifting camo pattern of the SPI armor was one part legionnaire mail, one part tactical body armor, and one part chameleon. SPI�����Ǹ�����ǵı仯αװͼ���Ǿ�������һ���֣�һ������ս����ף�һ����ɫ��
5. A control part controls the storing part and the display part. һ���Ʋ��ֿ��Ƹô洢���ֺ���ʾ���֡�
Part Part Number ��� - ������;
Body -front-part sheet-metal part ��ǰ���ӽ��;
part work part study �빤���;
address part ��ַ����;
part-time piano accompanist ��ְ���ٰ���Ա;
��ְ���ٰ���Ա �Ŀ�����;