1. Rule of Parsimony: Write a big program only when it is clear by demonstration that nothing else will do. 吝啬原则:除非确无它法,不要编写庞大的程序。
2. In the present paper the essentials of the concept and method of quantitative parsimony analysis for cladogram construction are revealed. 数值简约性原则是分支分类学进行分支分析及重构生物演化分支图的主要思想方法。
3. Koza tried applying parsimony in other runs but found that parsimony added to the beginning of a run dampened the efficiency of the solutions. 柯扎尝试在其他的运行中添加点简约性元素,却发现在运行开始加入的简约性元素降低了解决方案的效率。
1. extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily
2. extreme stinginess