1. My father locks every door in the house as he is paranoid about being robbed. �Ҹ�����������е������ʧ�ԣ��������ǰ�ÿ���Ŷ����ϡ�
2. On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is out to get you. (This is not always such a bad thing. �����������������ܱ��ƫִ����ÿ���˶���Ҫ�Զ��㡣����ʵ�������������ô�㣩
3. Methods:The results of EEG vector analysis of 94 patients with paranoid type schizophrenia (patients group) and 35 normal subjects (control group) were compared with each other. ��������94��ƫִ�;������֢���ˣ������飩��35�������ˣ������飩���Ե���������������бȽϡ�
1. a person afflicted with paranoia
2. suffering from paranoia