1. Shawn: Just what a nice girl you are! Especially since you got over the paranoia. ��ΰ��ֻ��˵���Ǹ��ܺõ�Ů�����ر����Դ���˷�������֢��
2. Personal fear varies extremely in degree from mild caution to extreme phobia and paranoia. ���˿־��кܴ�̶��ϵIJ�𣺴������������ȿֲ���ƫִ��
3. In the initial stages fear manifests as distrust, and if the source of the fear is not addressed, the distrust builds into what most people call paranoia. ������Σ��־�ı����ǡ�ȥ���λ���������־�ĸ�Դδ�����֣���ô�������Ρ���ֲ�뵽������˳�֮Ϊ�ġ��������ȥ��
1. a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur