1. This kind of research paradigm has guiding meaning of methodology for novel text reading. �����о���ʽ����С˵�ı�������з������ϵ�ָ�����塣
2. As a new explanation to law, economics of law has its own frame of theory and hardcore paradigm. ��Ϊһ��ȫ�µķ�ѧ����ϵͳ�����ۿ�ܣ�������ѧ�����������о���ʽ��
3. And this indeed is what ascension brings forth, a gradual movement both in biology and behavior towards the unity paradigm. ����ȷʵ�������������ģ�������ѧ��һ���������Լ�ͨ��ͳһ��������Ϊ��
1. systematic arrangement of all the inflected forms of a word
2. a standard or typical example
3. the class of all items that can be substituted into the same position (or slot) in a grammatical sen
4. the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time