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    1. Fortunately, at that time I all painstakingly regarded my life to experience, to Olympic Games most high collar award platform's pass.
    2. Introduced : a good-looking game room, the windows are greatly son, the soft beds, sofas lovely, it is up to you now. painstakingly layout with it.
    3. Anyone who wants to traverse the chamber has to crawl through a tight passage, lighted by a string of dim electric light bulbs, where dirt has been painstakingly cleared away.


      1. in a fastidious and painstaking manner


    ���ĵ�; �����أ�; �����ĵ�;
    painstakingly recreated
    cursory - painstakingly thorough
    ���ʵ� - ��ϸ����;
    painstakingly built up
    May not little be able bear painstakingly


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