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packaging ['pækidʒiŋ]



    n. ��װ����װҵ����װ���
    v. ��װ��package��ing��ʽ��



    1. One area is packaging.
    2. At this point we must consider the importance of packaging and design.
    3. Even the packaging itself through innovation, by clever design and implementation of an extension of the product.


      1. the business of packing
      2. a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution
      3. material used to make packages


    ���; ��װ����; ��װ; ��װ;
    electronic packaging
    ������װ; ���ӷ�װ; ���ӹ�װ; ���� ��װ;
    packaging density
    ��װ�ܶ�; ��װ�ܶ�; װ���ܶ�; ��װ�ܶȣ�װ���ܶ�;
    packaging process
    �������; ��װ����; ��װ����;
    packaging material
    ��װ����; ��װ��; ��װֽҵ;


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