1. Why not escape city noises and enter the peace of outskirts with our weekend trip? Ϊɶ���μ����ǵ���ĩ���У��߳����е����֣����뽼��������أ�
2. "Please slow down here, " he murmurs darkly as our vehicle nears the outskirts of the picturesque Swabian village. ����ʻ�������续��˹�߱��Ǵ����֮�ʣ�������˵�����������뿪���㡣��
3. I am almost near the outskirts of the city are searched, have to drive 2500 kilometers away. But have not found a suitable place. �Ҽ����Ѹ������еĽ����������ˣ�һ���ݳ���������2500�������û���ҵ�һ���ʺϵĵط���