1. The government has proposed a bill to outlaw drinking in public . ���������һ��ʹ�ڹ��ڳ�������Ϊ�Ƿ����鰸��
2. Other early ideas about? tzu are that he was an outlaw, a trader of flint, a shaman or a warrior. ���ȹ��ڰ������ݵIJ²⣬�������У����Ǹ�����֮ͽ���Ǹ���ʯ���ӡ��Ǹ���ʦ���Ǹ���ʿ��
3. People who feel a connection with animals are more likely to support programs to protect natural habitats and outlaw hunting. ��������Ͷ������и��飬�����ܻ�֧����Щ������Ȼ��Ϣ�غͽ��Եļƻ���
1. someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
2. declare illegal; outlaw
3. contrary to or forbidden by law
4. disobedient to or defiant of law