1. They tend to make "orphic" music and hope their songs can be popular just like May Day's! ���ǵ������������������������֨�����ϣ�����ǵĸ����ܹ����������һ�����ܻ�ӭ��
2. Egyptian initiation rites, Thracian orphic mysteries and other ritual and cult practices were amongst the many that were adopted readily. ����ԭʼ�ڽ���ʽ��ɫ��˹�˵ĺն�Ĭ˹��������������ڽ���ʽ�Լ�������ʽ��������Ȼ�����е�һ���֡�
1. ascribed to Orpheus or characteristic of ideas in works ascribed to Orpheus
2. having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary underst