1. We must orient our work to the needs of the markets. ���DZ���������ǵĹ���������Ӧ�г�����Ҫ��
2. In these markets, I breathed the smell of the Orient. ����Щ�г��ϣ��Ҹ��ܵ��˶������ҵ���Ϣ��
3. By 1600 A. D. , coffee drinking had come to the Orient. It soon became very popular. ����Ԫ1600�꣬���ÿ��ȵ���Ϊ��ʼ�������������þͱ�÷dz��ռ���
1. the countries of Asia
2. the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia v.
1. be oriented
2. determine one's position with reference to another point
3. cause to point adj.
1. (poetic) eastern