1. It includes diseases mainly involving oral mucosa, dermatogic diseases involves oral mucosa, some diseases with both ectoderm and mesoderm origins and oral manifestation of systemic diseases. ͬʱ������Ƥ���������ڿ�ǻճĤ�ϵ�Ƥ���������ϲ���Դ�����߲�����߲��ijЩ�����Ŀ�ǻ���֣�ȫ����ϵͳ�Լ����Ŀ�ǻ���֡�
2. Pay attention to oral hygiene and good oral care, postprandial must use toothpicks to remove food residue, and ground mouthwash, dental caries and oral reduce secondary infection. ע���ǻ���������ÿ�ǻ�������ͺ�һ��Ҫ����ǩ��ʳ�����������������ڣ�����ȣ�ݺͿ�ǻ�̷���Ⱦ��
3. Objective To study the connection between oral health behavior, local stimulation and oral cancer for the prevention of oral cancer. Ŀ��̽�ֿ�ǻ�����߿�ǻ������Ϊ��Ϊ��ǻ����Ԥ���ṩ�������ݡ�
4. Objective To investigate the status of oral health behavior and the recognition of oral care knowledge, and to provide base-line information for oral health care. Ŀ���˽�����������������ѧ����ǻ������Ϊ״������ǻ����֪ʶ֪�������Ϊ��ǻԤ�����������ṩ�������ϡ�
5. In addition, the difficulty of the oral task also plays important role in affecting students' oral test anxiety and oral production. ¼���豸��ȷ�Դ����ѧ�����������Ӱ�죬���ͽ���ѧ���ڻش������Ŀ�����Ŀʱȴû���ܵ�Ӱ�죻