1. The Tzolkin consisted of 13 months each 20 days long, and the Haab of 18 months each 20 days long, and five rest days, thus making 365 days. ����������ʮ�����£�ÿ����ʮ�쳤����������ʮ�˸��£�ÿ���ж�ʮ�쳤��������������죬����365�졣
2. Remove from your vocabulary phrases like"one of these days"or "someday"; let's write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days"! ����Ĵʻ������ȥ��ν�ġ�����ôһ�족���ߡ�ijһ�족������������д��Щ�����㡰����ôһ�족ȥд���Űɣ�
3. But we sailed from Philippi after the days of the Azymes, and came to them to Troas in five days, where we abode seven days. �������ǣ��ͽںŴ������������ֱ��������ŵִ����尢�������������������ס�����졣
4. We sailed from Philippi after the days of Unleavened Bread, and came to them at Troas within five days; and there we stayed seven days. ���˳��͵����ӣ����Ǵ������ȿ��������쵽�������ǣ���������ᣬ������ס�����졣
5. The mean time was 4. 5 days for RXX and 4. 1 days for GRAN, but 10. 2 days for other leuko genic drugs with significant difference. ����Ѫ����ͻݶ�Ѫ���ϸ������������Χ��ʱ��ƽ��Ϊ4��5���4��1�죬��һ������ϸ����ҩ����10��2�죬������Ȳ����������ԡ�
one day one of these days one of these fine days ����һ��;
one day one of these days one of these fine days ����һ��;
one day one of these days one of these fine days ����һ��;
One of these days is none of these days ��һ����һ�� ʱ������ˮ;