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obstruct [əb'strʌkt, ɔb-]



    vt. �������������ڶ�
    vi. ���������ϰ�




block   ����ǿ�ң�ָ��Ч��ס��ͨ����ʹ�˻����޷�ͨ����
bar   ������block�ܽӽ���ָ����ͨ�����ֹ���룬���ж԰�ʾ�����ϰ������ֹ���ֹ��
hinder   �������ᣬ��ָ�谭�������˻��£�ǿ��ʹ��չ�ٶȻ���������
obstruct   ��ʽ�ôʣ�����ǿ����ָ�Ը��Ż������ϰ��ķ�ʽ�谭��ͨ��ʹ�������ɳ�ͨ��
prevent   ����㷺��ָ��ȡԤ����ʩ�������ϰ�ȥ��ֹij�˻�ij�¡�
hamper   �������ܵ�Լ�����谭����ɵ��ж����ѡ�


    1. to obstruct the development of good relations between the two countries
    2. Please do not obstruct the switch of the elevator door. Stand back from the door while the elevator is in use.
    3. Emergency remote controlled locking function can obstruct suspicions from stepping out the safety cabin and prevent crime effectively.


      1. hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
      2. block passage through
      3. shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight


    ����; ���; �赲; ����;
    block obstruct
    obstruct facilitate
    obstruct from
    To obstruct
    �赲; �ֵ�; Ӳ��; �谭;


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