1. The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath. ��������֤�����������ĵ�Լ���µġ�
2. Q. What is commitment? Commitment is an oath, a vow, a promise, a. ���⡣ʲ����ί����ί����һ�����ԣ����ģ�Ӧ������ŵҪΪij��
3. It is not the oath that makes us believe the man , but the man the oath . ��������ʹ��������һ���ˣ�������������һ���˲������������ԡ�
1. profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger
2. a commitment to tell the truth (especially in a court of law); to lie under oath is to become subjec
3. a solemn promise, usually invoking a divine witness, regarding your future acts or behavior