1. Now you've seen the clip, check your local listings, go watch the show, and then go buy a legit set of the DVDs now. Right now. �������ǿ���Ƭ���ˣ��Ͻ��鿴���ؽ�Ŀ����������ݳ���ȥ��Ϸ������DVD�����ھ�ȥ��
2. Then's now with now's then in tense continuant. �����������������Ǻ�����ճ����ʱ̬��
3. At first it was but like a swallow, then a lark, then an eagle, then as vast as a spring cloud, and then it filled the starry heavens. �������һֻϲȵ������ֱ��һֻ��ȸ��֮������һֻ��ӥ���������һ����ӯ���ƶ䣬�ܺ������Ƿ����ܲ��IJ�
4. then waits for stillness, then weighing. Second, Open the discharge gate and let materials out of the bucket; then waits stillness, then weighing again. Ȼ�����բ�ţ��ų����ϲ����ȶ����ټ����������õ����������ϵľ�ȷֵ����̬����ֵ����
5. Now and then he spits out of the window, big healthy gobs of brown juice which resound with a smack on the pavement below. He seems content now. ����ʱ��������һ�ڣ���ڴ�ڵ���ɫ��ˮ���ڵ������е��Ϸ�����������������������ͦ���⡣
Now and Then Here and There ��ʱ�ջþ�;
ever and agah every now and then ��ʱ��;
and every now and then I think �Ҳ�ʱ�ػ���;