1. Whether it was or not, fault is now the norm. ���������뷨�Ƿ���ȷ�����ڵı��ǹ�����
2. Rule is that people refine from case the theoretical crystallization of generality and the role of norm and standard lawsuit. ���������ǴӸ�������������һ���Ե����۽ᾧ������淶���ϵ����á�
3. Legal English is a special mode of expression and norm developed by a long practice of judicature in common law countries and has its own special features. ����Ӣ������ͨ�����Ҿ������ڵ�˾��ʵ�����γɵ��Լ������еı���ģʽ�淶�������к�ǿ��רҵ��ɫ��
1. a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical
2. a statistic describing the location of a distribution