1. Absorbing the idea of the reference [29], a nonmonotonic trust region method with line search for linearly constrained optimization is given and its convergence is proved. �ڶ�������[29]��˼�룬���������Լ���Ż���һ����������ķǵ����������㷨����֤�����㷨�������ԡ�
2. These claims can be properly reasoned out, with a little knowledge of nonmonotonic logic, under the guidance of conversational maxims. �ڻỰ���ָ���£����������ǵ�����֪ʶ��������ȷ����������Щ��Ϣ����
3. Absorbing the idea of the reference [29], a nonmonotonic trust region method with line search for linearly constrained optimization is given and its convergence is proved. �ڶ�������[29]��˼�룬���������Լ���Ż���һ����������ķǵ����������㷨����֤�����㷨�������ԡ�
4. These claims can be properly reasoned out, with a little knowledge of nonmonotonic logic, under the guidance of conversational maxims. �ڻỰ���ָ���£����������ǵ�����֪ʶ��������ȷ����������Щ��Ϣ����
nonmonotonic reasoning �ǵ�����;
Periodic Solutions of Periodic Delay Predator-Prey System with Nonmonotonic Functional Response ������ , ���;