1. Gaia : We will help you defeat Zeus. Death is an escape, Kratos. You are a warrior of Sparta, not a coward. Only a coward accepts death. ���ǣ����ǽ�����������˹�����������ӱܵķ�ʽ������˹������˹�ʹ����ʿ������ų��ֻ��ų��Ż����������
2. Coward as he is (=Though he is a coward), he can't bear such an insult. ��Ȼ����ų��ȴ���������������衣
3. The first detailed images of an elusive drug target on the outer wall of bacteria may provide scientists with enough new information to aid design of noel antibiotics. �״η���������ϸ�����������ĥ����ҩ��е��꾡ͼ�����ѧ���ṩ�㹻������Ϣ����������Ϳ����ء�
4. Noel goes fishing with his father every weekend. ŵ����ÿ����ĩ����������ȥ���㡣
5. Residents of Andros Island, one of the least-developed in the Bahamas, hunkered down as Noel's winds howled and rain pelted window panes. ���������ĵ���������³˹���ϵľ�����ŵ������Ϯʱ���ڵ����Զ�ܵ�ŭ�����硣