1. The child was nestling closely to its mother. �⺢�ӽ��������������ߡ�
2. Yet nestling amid the quarks and transistors and the nucleic acids and nanotubes, there is a question. ���ǰ����ڿ�ˡ��羧�塢���������֮�У�����Ҳ�����ˡ�
3. He was thinking that when all the rest had turned their backs upon him, it would be pleasant to have this little creature adoring him and nestling against him. ��������ǣ��ȵ����������˶�ת������������ʱ������ôһ��С�����������������������������Ȼ��һ�������¡�
1. young bird not yet fledged
2. a young person of either sex