1. In that devastation, in the utter nakedness of spirit, let us become one in beauty. ���ǻ����У��������ij����У���������������Ϊһ�塣
2. We can now begin to see the difference between nakedness and nudity in the European tradition. ���ǿ������ڿ�ʼ�˽��ŷ��ͳ�У����������֮�������
3. I will even gather them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness. �Ҿ�Ҫ����һ����మ�ġ�����һ�����ġ����ۼ���������Χ�����㣮�ֽ��������¶����ʹ���ǿ����ˡ�
1. the state of being without clothing or covering of any kind
2. a bleak and desolate atmosphere
3. characterized by an attitude of ready accessibility (especially about one's actions or purposes); wi
nakedness ���������ʵ;
complete nakedness ��������;
Half Nakedness ���ٴ�����ʱ��;
These discovered her nakedness ����¶���������壬��ȥ���Ķ�Ů���õ�ɱ�����������ڸ�Ů�����³�����������������ʩ�����С�;