1. Because Tantra is a mystical subject, it is nearly impossible to define. ��Ϊ̹������һ�����ص����⣬������������ȥ���塣
2. But it takes the faith of a bird, a magical flying carpet, and the mystical Fruit of Life for our hero to see the dream to an end. ���ǵ�����Ҳ�����⣬Ҫ���γ��棬������Ҫ����������Ʒ��һֻ������һ��ħ����̺���������ص�����֮��ʵ��
3. Many native traditions and mystical practices refer to the ability of 'seeing, ' or being aware of energy fields at higher levels. ���౾�ش�ͳ�����ص���ϰ�ᵽ������\'��������ʶ�����ڸ���ˮƽ�ϵ���������
1. relating to or characteristic of mysticism
2. relating to or resembling mysticism
3. having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary underst