1. Mutual Factor is divided into mutual space/distance factor, mutual intercourse frequency factor, mutual similarity factor, mutual complementary factor and mutual adoration factor. ˫���������ر��ֳ�˫���ռ�������ء�˫������Ƶ�����ء�˫���������ء�˫���������غ��������أ�
2. First, Mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression and mutual non-interference in internal affairs. ��һ������������Ȩ�����������������ַ�����������������
3. The thinking logic of cosmopolitanism demonstrates that the race is no longer a term to discriminate "us" from "others", and that an absolute exclusiveness is no longer predisposed. ���������˼ά���������������ǡ��͡����ˡ�����������Ϊ����������Ԥ�ȹ涨���Ե������ԣ����������������˼άģʽ��ѡ��ԭ������Ϊ�����������˼άģʽ���϶�ԭ����ȡ����
4. Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk. ��Ǯ�˼ҡ��������Լ������ȵ���ɫ��
5. A deep reason why media products have this feature is that the exclusiveness of consuming right becomes invalid. ����Ȩ��������ʧЧ�Ǵ�ý��Ʒ���ѻ�������Ե�����ԭ��